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Get request status or signed document

This article describes how to use the PDF Signing API to get the status for a specific signing request and to fetch the actual PDF document. 

Get information for specific request

To get information for one specific request, use the method GET /request/{id}.

Example: Get information for specific request including documents
Authorization: Bearer <access token> GET /request/123?includeDocs=true

{ "id": "123", "name": "Request 1", "description": "First request", "created": 1525843503909, "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "signatures": [{ "signer" : "", "signed": false, "method": "SE_BANKID" }], "documents": [{ { "name": "API.pdf", "data": "string" }] }

Example: Get information for specific request, no documents included
Authorization: Bearer <access token> GET /request/123?includeDocs=false


Get information for all requests

To get information for all requests created by the current client ID, use the method GET /request.

Example: Get information for all requests


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