Check system status for Smart ID Messaging

Check system status for Smart ID Messaging

This article describes how to run health check and check logs and statistics for Hermod

  1. To check that Hermod is alive, and view the running instance id and version, use the following command. Make sure to use the correct port:

    Example: Health check

    GET https://my-hermod-server:20400/<contextPath>/info Response 200 OK Body { "id":"hermod.6d99c1", "build":{ "version":"2.0.0.RELEASE", "artifact":"cod-hermod", "name":"Cod Hermod", "group":"com.nexusgroup.cod.hermod", "time":1497432675000 } }

  1. To check health information and status for the running Hermod, use the following command. Make sure to use the correct port

    Example: Health check

    GET https://my-hermod-server:20400/<contextPath>/health { "status":"UP", "diskSpace":{ "status":"UP", "total":15442378752, "free":2757484544, "threshold":10485760 }, "db":{ "status":"UP", "database":"PostgreSQL", "hello":1 }, "configServer":{ "status":"UP", }, "hystrix":{ "status":"UP" } }

These are the built-in statuses:






  1. To check the logs:

    Example: Check logs

    # Login to the host ssh user@machine su - docker # Check logs cd compose/hermod docker-compose logs -f --tail=100

Hermod stores metrics since the last restart. These can be viewed via a http request.

  1. To view the Hermod metrics:

    Example: Check metrics


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