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Status and reports in Digital Access

This article includes updates for Digital Access 6.3.3.

This article describes how to view status in Smart ID Digital Access component.

In the Monitor System tab of the Digital Access Admin, general status of the system and status for each specific service registered in the Digital Access component network is presented. Status and event information is only displayed if the license includes the applicable services or features.

You can also make settings for logs and generate different reports.

Before you start, sign in to Digital Access Admin with an administrator account.

Step-by-step instruction

View information about the status of the system

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Regarding the status the following is displayed in the Status Overview section:

    • number of concurrent users

    • number of registered user accounts

    • number of logged-on unique users

    • number of users that have made a request within the last 15 minutes (time value is configurable)

    • number of registered resource hosts

    • number of registered Single Sign-On (SSO) domains

    • Digital Access component virtual appliance release number

    • license version and licence type

    • display name of the currently logged in administrator

    • number of logged on administrators

  3. Click Manage Settings... to enable event monitoring of database service and user storage. Also, the password for the super administrator can be changed here.

  4. Click Save when done.

  5. Click View Administrator Activities... to view a list of time and date for the last logon per administrator, as well as time and date for the last action taken.

View information about events

Each Digital Access component network event is listed with the date and time according to the browser locale setting. Events that have occurred since the last time you were logged on are listed. If new events occur while you are logged on, they are added to the list in real time. The Event Overview list is updated every 15 seconds.

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Regarding the events the following is displayed in the Event Overview section:

    • Lost and restored connection to the directory service or any of the configured user storage locations.

    • Lost and restored connection to any of the Digital Access component network services.

    • Activated or deactivated debug logging.

  3. Click Manage Settings... to enable event monitoring of database service and user storage. Also, the password for the super administrator can be changed here.

  4. Click Save when done.

  5. Click View Administrator Activities... to view a list of time and date for the last logon per administrator, as well as time and date for the last action taken.

Password policy

When you login with the super administrator account, you can enable the Digital Access component password policy to ensure that passwords are used to log on to Digital Access Admin.

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Click Manage Settings...

  3. Check Enable password policy.

The following requirements must be met for the super admin password if the Digital Access component password policy is enabled:

  • The password is at least six characters long.

  • The password contains characters from at least three of the following four categories:

    • English uppercase characters (from A through Z).

    • English lowercase characters (from a through z).

    • Base 10 digits (from 0 through 9).

    • Non-alphanumeric characters (for example: !, $, #, or %).

When the password policy is not enabled, there are no restrictions for the formatting of the super administrator password. The password policy is enabled by default.

Filter and display logging messages with log viewer

You can select one, several, or all the registered servers in the Digital Access component network in the log viewer. The messages displayed in the log viewer are restricted to selected servers.

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Click Log Viewer to filter and display logging messages.

  3. To view logs, make settings in Filter Log Events and click the View Log link. A separate browser window then displays the logs.

  4. Select Search Criteria to trace specific log events, such as user activity through selected servers. For help, click the ?-sign.

Download a diagnostics file

You can download a .zip file containing all System, Audit, Billing, HTTP, and RADIUS logs for the selected servers. The diagnostics file also contains all configuration files and message logs, as well as the debug logs (including the access point raw external and internal logs, raw proxy interchange log, form based log, and hyperlinks log).

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Click Diagnostics File.

  3. Select Time Range.

  4. Click Create Diagnostics File.

Manage settings for logs

All registered servers in the Digital Access component network generate several individual logs. You can manage each server’s log settings individually. Both the Reports and Alert functionality depend on the log collecting. If the Log collection interval is set too high (this is done on the Manage Global Logging Settings page), the ability to view real-time reports diminishes. Alerts are not sent until logs with this information are collected.

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Click Logging.

  3. Select a server in the list and go through the settings on the following tabs. Click the ?-sign for help.

Make settings that apply to all logs

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Monitor System.

  2. Click Logging > Manage Global Logging Settings.

  3. Specify the path to the directory where all logs are stored. This is set to the folder logs in each service’s installation folder by default.

  4. Select to register logging events in local time or GMT.

  5. Enter a Log collection interval in seconds. Log collection includes collection of all the logs from the Digital Access component network services to the Administration Service. This is set to 5 seconds by default. If the Log collection interval option is set to high, the ability to view real-time reports diminishes. Alerts are not sent until logs with this information are collected.

  6. Make settings for Remote Logging.

  7. Check Enable debug logging to automatically enable the debug logs.

  8. Check Enable delta logging to enable logging the time taken by Digital Access services on some of the processes within. This applies to authentication through XPI, User account operations through XPI, and User account DB operations. The time will get logged only if it crosses a certain threshold value. 
    This threshold value can be set in customize.conf of the policy and authentication service "com.portwise.core.controller.timing.timinglog" (the value must be in milliseconds).

Additional information

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