The content of the actual encoding description is structured in well known "ini-file" format. The section [Fields]
contains the links between encoding fields and exchanged database fields.
This is a typical example for a description file:
Track 2=Field21
ADR_00000=Track 2,Track 2,X,,,S
With regard to the initial topic of replicating the functionality of the EncodingConfigurator by your own application, you can actually create a BASE64 encoded data element (as exchanged in the XMLs) by following these steps:
Read a dsc file's content from disk.
Assign encoding fields to database fields by entering the database field name at the right side of the equal sign inside the Fields
Pack the resulting dsc file content by using the zip algorithm.
Encode the zip file by using the BASE64 algorithm. The resulting BASE64 string is used as encoding description value in the requests XML.
As this is an administrative topic which is often only done once, it may even be appropriate to do step 1-3 manually by using any text editor and zip packer tool.
In general, note the following when modifying description files:
In most cases, using a single field or a fix value is appropriate and recommended! Concatenation and especially the formatting is only rarely used and should only be applied if really necessary. It is virtually exclusively used in combination with magnetic stripe encodings as they typically expose one field per track. And such a track's content is usually built from different database fields.
You may find partially encrypted encoding description files like the following example. In such cases, take care, only to change section Fields
and not the lines starting with a circumflex sign (^).