Cards - script for managing options in Smart ID Identity Manager
Cards - script for managing options in Smart ID Identity Manager
This is the script that is used to manage the options in the Cards package in Smart ID.
//---------------- Approvals ----------------
Defines if Card Requests require approval.
Possible options:
* true(default) - Approval steps are enabled.
* false - Approval steps are disabled.
CardsRequestApproval = true
Defines if Card Requests done through Batch require approval.
Possible options:
* true - Approval steps are enabled.
* false(default) - Approval steps are disabled.
CardsBatchRequestApproval = false
Defines if Card Deactivations require approval.
Possible options:
* true - Approval steps are enabled.
* false(default) - Approval steps are disabled.
CardsDeactivationApproval = false
Defines if Card Reactivations require approval.
Possible options:
* true - Approval steps are enabled.
* false(default) - Approval steps are disabled.
CardsReactivationApproval = false
Defines if Card Lockings require approval.
Possible options:
* true - Approval steps are enabled.
* false(default) - Approval steps are disabled.
CardsLockingApproval = false
//---------------- Multiple cards ----------------
Defines if multiple active cards are allowed.
Possible options:
* true - Multiple active cards are allowed. User is not restricted to only one card. The amount of cards can be restricted in CardsMulipleActiveAmount option.
* false(default) - Multiple active cards are not allowed. User is restricted to only one active card.
CardsMultipleActive = false
Defines how many active cards are allowed.
Option only valid if CardsMulipleActive is set to true.
Possible options:
* 2(default) - 2 active cards are allowed for a user.
* x amount of cards are allowed for a user. This number need to be positive and at least =>1
CardsMultipleActiveAmount = 2
//---------------- PIN and PUK Management ----------------
Defines how the Card PIN is delivered to the end user.
Possible options:
* print(default) - Prints out a PIN letter.
* email - Sends the PIN as email.
* nopin - No PIN delivery.
CardsPINDeliveryMethod = "print"
Defines how the Card PUK is delivered to the end user.
Possible options:
* print - Prints out a PUK letter.
* email - Sends the PUK as email.
* nopuk(default) - No PUK delivery.
CardsPUKDeliveryMethod = "nopuk"
Defines the length of the PIN code.
Possible options:
* 6(default) - PIN length is set to 6.
* 4 - PIN length is set to 4.
CardsPINLength = "6"
Defines the length of the PUK code.
Possible options:
* 8(default) - PUK length is set to 8.
CardsPUKLength = "8"
//---------------- Process end statuss ----------------
Defines if the end status of the card is active after its issued.
Possible options:
* true - Card is active after its been issued.
* false(default) - Card is inactive after its been issued.
CardsIssueActive = false
Defines if the end statuss of the certificates on the card are valid after its been issued.
Possible options:
* true - Certificates on the card are valid after its been issued.
* false(default) - Certificates on the card are on hold after its been issued.
CardsCertificateIssueValid = false
//---------------- Certificates ----------------
Defines if a authentication certificate will be issued during the card production.
Possible options:
* true(default) - Authentication certificate will be issued.
* false - Authentication certificate will not be issued.
CardsIssueAuthentication = true
Defines if a signature certificate will be issued during the card production.
Possible options:
* true(default) - Signature certificate will be issued.
* false - Signature certificate will not be issued.
CardsIssueSignature = true
Defines if a encryption certificate will be issued during the card production.
Possible options:
* true(default) - Encryption certificate will be issued.
* false - Encryption certificate will not be issued.
CardsIssueEncryption = true
Defines if encryption certificate recovery form is displayed for selection during the production of the card.
Possible options:
* true - Encryption certificate recovery form is displayed during production.
* false(default) - Encryption certificate recovery form is not displayed during production.
CardsIssueEncryptionRecoveryForm = false
//---------------- Set APPLIST - DO NOT TOUCH ----------------
if ( CardsIssueAuthentication == true ) {
if ( CardsIssueSignature == true ){
if ( CardsIssueEncryption == true ){
//---------------- Option checks - DO NOT TOUCH ----------------
//PIN delivery option
if (CardsPINDeliveryMethod != "print" && CardsPINDeliveryMethod != "email" && CardsPINDeliveryMethod != "nopin") {
println("Card PIN delivery option set incorrectly, reverting back to default(print)")
CardsPINDeliveryMethod = "print"
//PUK delivery option
if (CardsPUKDeliveryMethod != "print" && CardsPUKDeliveryMethod != "email" && CardsPUKDeliveryMethod != "nopuk") {
println("Card PUK delivery option set incorrectly, reverting back to default(nopuk)")
CardsPUKDeliveryMethod = "nopuk"
//Check PIN Length option
if (CardsPINLength != "4" && CardsPINLength != "6") {
println("Card PIN length option set incorrectly, reverting back to default(4).")
CardsPINLength = "4"
, multiple selections available,
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