Users LDAP - Start-up guide

Users LDAP - Start-up guide

This article describes the steps that have to be done with the Users add-on LDAP package in Smart ID before you can start to use the system. The steps are done by the Administrator in Identity Manager Admin. 

  1. Upload the Users package in Identity Manager Admin, see Users - Start-up guide.

Step-by-step instruction for the administrator

 Log in to Identity Manager Admin
  1. Log in to Identity Manager Admin as administrator. Default login credentials are username: admin, password: admin.

    It is recommended to change the password for the administrator user.

 Upload the add-on LDAP package

To upload the usersAddonLDAP.zip package in Identity Manager Admin:

  1. In Identity Manager Admin, select the Configuration file tab.
  2. Click Upload configuration
  3. Click Select file and add the path to the usersAddonLDAP.zip file.
  4. Click Upload.
 Set properties for LDAP directory
  1. In Identity Manager Admin go to Home > Data Pools and select both LDAP data pools (UsersAddonLDAPActiveDp and UsersAddonLDAPInactiveDp).
  2. Go to the Data sources tab and edit the relevant fields (Connection string, username, password).
  3. To change information regarding the LDAP directory open this article: Set up data export to external data source from Identity Manager.
    In that article, do the steps under heading "Set properties for LDAP directory export".
 Change the Create user process

The Quick search>User>Create User process in Identity Manager Operator must be changed:

  1. In Identity Manager Admin, go to Home > Identities > Users > General.
  2. Change the Process to "Create User Addon LDAP".

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