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Release note Digital Access component 6.3.2

Version: 6.3.2

Release Date: 2023-05-30

Upgrade docker

Upgrade docker to a version >= 20.10.10 before you upgrade Digital Access to this or higher versions, since docker <= 20.10.9 has compatibility issues with used the OpenJDK version.

Minor improvements

Jira ticket no



Upgraded support to Guacamole 1.5.1 For more information on how to install and configure Guacamole in Digital Access, see Set up access to Apache Guacamole in Digital Access component.


It is now possible to set the certificate attribute to a specific index if the certificate attribute has multiple values for the same field. For example, if there are multiple OU fields, then the user can set which index to be mapped with the user attribute, like OU[2].

Corrected bugs

Jira ticket no



The cache-control header has been made configurable for the admin, policy and distribution services through customize.conf.


Added that before deleting broken links when running the relink-delete script, the user must confirm the deletion.


When removing access rules based on group membership from web resources, an error message showed up informing that the resource could not be saved. If the administrator then continued and clicked Publish, the RemoteConfiguration.xml file became corrupt. This has been fixed.

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