Verify Enroll on behalf of for Windows

Verify Enroll on behalf of for Windows

This article is valid for CM 8.5 and later.

This article describes how to verify Enroll on behalf of (EOBO) for Windows over CMC or PKCS#7.

Step-by-step instruction

For CMC:

  • Create a file called eobo-cmc.inf with the following contents: 

    [NewRequest] RequestType=cmc RequesterName=<domain>\<username> [RequestAttributes] CertificateTemplate=User

    a. Replace <domain> with the domain for which to generate the request.
    b. Replace <username> with the username for which to generate the request.

  • Run the following commands:

    Command 1

    > certreq.exe -new -cert "Enrollment Agent Signer" eobo-cmc.inf mycmc.req

    Command 2

    > certreq.exe -submit mycmc.req

    The second command returns a certificate for the requested user. 

For PKCS#7:

  • Create a file called eobo-pkcs7.inf with the following contents: 

    a. Replace <domain> with the domain for which to generate the request.
    b. Replace <username> with the username for which to generate the request.

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