Miscellaneous standard service tasks in Identity Manager
Ann Base (Deactivated)
Josefin Klang (Deactivated)
Ylva Andersson
Karolin Hemmingsson (Unlicensed)
This article includes updates for Smart ID 23.10.2.
Use this task to send a new request to SPAR server and receive information about a person.
The environment variables below must be set. If some of them are missing, there will be an error logged with the names of the missing variables (comma-separated list) and also a BPMN error with the names of the variables as the message.
Setting the com.nexus.prime.spar.SparEnvironmentVariables logger in log4j to DEBUG level will log all the variables and values when loaded. The variables will be loaded only the first time.
Environment variables
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The name of the task in the Identity Manager Admin is "SPAR: get Person info from SPAR".
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
ssnFieldName | - | The name of the process variable where the SSN for the searched person is stored. | |
personFoundFieldName | Default value:
| The name of the result variable where to put info if person was found or not. | |
resultsPrefix | Default value:
| The prefix for all the result variable names. | |
isVisibleNamn | Default value:
| Boolean value. If true, the info from "namn" will be returned. See Result below for more info. | |
isVisiblePersondetaljer | Default value:
| Boolean value. If true, the info from "persondetaljer" will be returned. See Result below for more info. | |
isVisibleFolkbokforing | Default value:
| Boolean value. If true, the info from "folkbokforing" will be returned. See Result below for more info. | |
isVisibleUtlandsadress | Default value:
| Boolean value. If true, the info from "utlandsadress" will be returned. See Result below for more info. |
The following variables may be returned to the process data. Please note that some variables may be missing even if the condition is affirmative, if there is no result from the server for them.
For understanding what each result represents, please see the SPAR documentation here: https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/aviseringpost/
In the table below, all the variables are set with the default prefix (SPAR) and default names (SPAR_PersonFound):
Variable | Condition | Description |
Variable | Condition | Description |
SPAR_PersonFound | always | If the person was found or not. Boolean value. If the SSN is invalid, instead of this result, a BMPN error will be thrown (SPAR_VALIDATION). See "BPMN errors" below. |
SPAR_Namn_Aviseringsnamn | isVisibleNamn = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/namn/ |
SPAR_Namn_Fornamn | isVisibleNamn = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/namn/ |
SPAR_Namn_Tilltalsnamn | isVisibleNamn = true | Integer value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/namn/ |
SPAR_Namn_Mellannamn | isVisibleNamn = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/namn/ |
SPAR_Namn_Efternamn | isVisibleNamn = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/namn/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_Sekretessmarkering | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | Boolean value (not "JA", "NEJ" as in the SOAP response) For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_SekretessmarkeringSattAvSPAR | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | Boolean value (not "JA", "NEJ" as in the SOAP response) For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_SkyddadFolkbokforing | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | Boolean value (not "JA", "NEJ" as in the SOAP response) For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_AvregistreringsorsakKod | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | String value. If the person is deceased, this variable will tell by a special code. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_Fodelsedatum | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | XMLGregorianCalendar value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_FodelselanKod | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_Fodelseforsamling | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_Kon | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | String value. see documentation at https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Persondetaljer_SvenskMedborgare | isVisiblePersondetaljer = true | Boolean value (not "JA", "NEJ" as in the SOAP response) For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/persondetaljer/ |
SPAR_Folkbokforing_DatumFrom | isVisibleFolkbokforing = true | XMLGregorianCalendar value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/folkbokfoering/ |
SPAR_Folkbokforing_FolkbokfordLanKod | isVisibleFolkbokforing = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/folkbokfoering/ |
SPAR_Folkbokforing_FolkbokfordKommunKod | isVisibleFolkbokforing = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/folkbokfoering/ |
SPAR_Folkbokforing_Hemvist | isVisibleFolkbokforing = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/folkbokfoering/ |
SPAR_Folkbokforing_Folkbokforingsdatum | isVisibleFolkbokforing = true | XMLGregorianCalendar value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/folkbokfoering/ |
SPAR_Folkbokforing_DistriktKod | isVisibleFolkbokforing = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/folkbokfoering/ |
SPAR_Utlandsadress_Utdelningsadress1 | isVisibleUtlandsadress = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/internationell-adress/ |
SPAR_Utlandsadress_Utdelningsadress2 | isVisibleUtlandsadress = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/internationell-adress/ |
SPAR_Utlandsadress_Utdelningsadress3 | isVisibleUtlandsadress = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/internationell-adress/ |
SPAR_Utlandsadress_Land | isVisibleUtlandsadress = true | String value. For more information, see https://www.statenspersonadressregister.se/master/start/teknisk-info/xml-scheman/20211/internationell-adress/ |
BPMN errors
Error name/code | Description |
Error name/code | Description |
SPAR_VALIDATION | If there is a SOAP Fault with a validation error for the request sent. This means that either the SSN or some "iden" values (see the last four environment variables in "Prerequisites" above) are in the wrong format. |
SPAR_CERTIFICATE | If the connection certificate file cannot be found, opened, or is invalid. |
SPAR_TRUST_STORE | If the trust store cannot be found or opened. |
SPAR_COMMUNICATION | If there is any other communication issue while sending the request or there is any SOAP fault response other than validation. |
SPAR_MISSING_CONFIG_VARIABLES | If any of the required environment variables (see "Prerequisites" above) is missing. The message of the error has the comma-separated list of the missing variables. |
Use this task to create a request for the IN Groupe connector and place it in the process map.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
CoreObjectListFieldName | Example value:
| Name of the variable in the process map, which contains a list of CoreObjectDescriptors, that should be used to create the request. | |
OutputFieldName | Example value:
| Name of the variable in the process map, where the request xml should be output to. | |
ConfigurationFilePath | Example value:
| Absolute file path of the configuration file, that should be used to create the request. The configuration file needs to be encoded in UTF-8, to ensure language specific characters are displayed correctly. | |
statusAfterExport | - | Example value:
| Status that a card can take when the exporting was successfully done. |
statusOnError | - | Example value:
| Status that a card can take when the exporting was not successfully done. |
SchemaVersion | Example value:
| The Schema Version the file must be created as. |
Configuration file
The configuration file is needed for Identity Manager to know which tag of the IN Groupe request schema should be mapped with the corresponding value from the core object. Format the configuration file as a .properties file.
To set the value of a tag, specify the type name of the parent tag and the tag you want to modify, for example:
Example: Set a value of a tag
BatchRequestType_globalSchema = DEMANDES_2.1.XSD
The value can also be a juel expression which is available in the process map. If the expression can not be resolved it will result in an empty string.
Expressions that are always available:
${CurrentDate} that resolves to the current date in "yyyyddMMhhmm" format, and
${NumberOfIteration} which is a number that starts at 1 and is increased each time a core object is processed.
To set the "reference" attribute that is needed for, for example, "PersoDataType", configure as follows:
Example: Set reference attribute
The part after the "|" symbol represents the reference value.
Use this task to read all IN Groupe report files from a folder and update any cards found inside.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
InputFolder | Example value:
| The folder which contains all the XML files. | |
ImportedFolder | Example value:
| The folder which stores already imported XML files. | |
ProblemFolder | Example value:
| The folder which contains XML files that could not be imported. | |
ConfigurationFilePath | Example value:
| The absolute path to the mapping file. | |
UniqueFieldName | Example value:
| The name of the field by which each card can be identified. | |
StatusMappingFieldName | Example value:
| The name of the field that references a map, containing all the available mappings between a request status and a card status. Note: The card status values must be present in the state graph, and the transitions from one state to another must be valid. | |
ImportFilesRegexPattern | - | Default value:
| The regular expression for importing files. |
DescriptorsListOfModifiedObjects | - | Default value:
| The name of the list in the process map that contains the modified objects after task execution. |
Configuration file
The configuration file is needed for Identity Manager to know, which field of the IN Groupe report schema should be mapped with the corresponding value from the core object. The configuration file has to be formatted as a .properties file.
To set the value of a tag, you specify the type name of the parent tag and the tag you want to modify (EntRecTypeReport_unRef in the example below). And, on the right side of the equals we have the datapool and the field where the value needs to be written (Card_UniqueReference in the example below).
Example: Set a value of a tag
In the import mapping you also have constructs referring to complex objects from a list. To set the "reference" attribute that is needed for, for example, "InfoType", configure as follows:
Example: Set reference attribute
The left part of the "|" symbol shows the "InfoType" tag, which is a list containing some complex objects. The right part of the "|" symbol identifies which complex objects you will take the value from, for example "Serial_Number_CT". The value will then be added to the "CardNumber" field of the Card datapool.
Use this task to create an .ics file and store it in the data map.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
subject | The subject of the event. | ||
location | The location of the event. | ||
startTime | The start time of the event. | ||
endTime | The end time of the event. | ||
targetField | - | Example value:
| Specified where the .ics file shall be stored in the data map. |
allDayEvent | - | Valid values:
| If set to "true" the event will be shown as an allDay event. |
content | Defines the content of the event. |
See following example as a reference:
Use this task to create a pdf and store it in the datamap. The pdf will be generated from a Jasper Reports template.
To use this task, configure the following delegate expression in your service task:
The following parameters can be configured in Identity Manager Admin:
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
Parameter | Mandatory | Value | Description |
fieldName | The datamap field to which the pdf will be stored (as a byte[]). | ||
reportName |
| The name of the Jasper Report. Must be available in Identity Manager Admin. It can also be a JUEL Expression (for example, ${myDatapool_myReportNameField}. In this way, the template names from the process map are used dynamically. |
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