Deploy Hermod 3.x on Kubernetes
This article describes how to deploy a Hermod image on Kubernetes.
Prerequisites for Hermod deployment
A Kubernetes service subscription where you must create and deploy Hermod
A public DNS name which devices can reach
Matching certificates for the public address
An installed/deployed instance of an SQL server, for example, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Maria DB, or Oracle
Step-by-step instruction
Download the Hermod docker image and file structure
Sign in to Nexus Support portal.
Go to Nexus Smart ID Clients (Personal and Hermod) > Smart ID Messaging and select a Hermod version to download the *.zip file.
Unpack the *.zip file.
Open the extracted folder, for example, 3.x.y.RELEASE.
The folder contains the Hermod installation file and a simple-setup file to set up a default configuration.Unpack
Place the docker image on a location where the Kubernetes cluster can access and pull the image from.
Create the storage yml file
Edit the file hermod-config with the correct values for your environment. It will be used to store Hermod configuration file.
Create the Hermod deployment yml file
Edit the file hermod-deployment with the correct values for your environment.
Important! The actual values must match the specific deployment scenarios. The hermod-depoyment code below is only intended as an example.
Create the Hermod configuration yml file
Edit the file hermod-configuration with the correct values for your environment.
Important! The actual values must match the specific deployment scenarios such as configure clientId, public URL, TLS/SSL and url, username, password for the specified database. The code below is only intended as an example.
Create the Hermod service yml file
Edit the file hermod-service with the correct values for your environment.
Optional: Create the Hermod database secret YML file
Edit the file hermod-secret with the correct values for your environment.
Deploy yml files
You can deploy the yml files on Kubernetes by using the following command: kubectl --kubeconfig <kubernetes-config> apply -f <file_name>.yml
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