Upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 23.04.x to 23.10.2

Upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 23.04.x to 23.10.2

This article describes how to upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager from 23.04.x to 23.10.2.


  • An older release of Smart ID Identity Manager is already installed.

  • Update database as described in the general update instructions. See Upgrade Smart ID for more information. This is important for the layout template changes.

Step-by-step instructions

HTTP Clients menu permissions

Permissions for HTTP Clients menu item:

  • When upgrading, no role has permission to see the HTTP Clients menu item. Set the permission in the permissions tab for each role that should be able to see it.

Layout templates behavior for Identity manager Operator and Smart ID Self-Service

Layout templates for forms with two areas were behaving differently in Identity Manager Operator and Smart ID Self-Service. This has been fixed. 

If the same form is used in Identity Manager Operator and Smart ID Self-Service, the layout will be the same in both, that is, the behavior will change in one of the systems.

You can adjust existing forms as described below. 

The following commands are used to run scripts provided with the release in the support portal from command-line:

    psql -U [user] -d [database name]< [filename]

    sqlcmd -U [user]-P '[password]' -d [database name] -i [filename]

    echo exit | sqlplus [user]/[password]@[Schema name] @[filename]

Use the commands above in the following steps, and make sure to replace [filename] with the applicable script name:

  1. Create a list of forms and their layout types with the script "List Forms DBTYPE.sql" and save the result as a .csv file.

  2. Choose one of the following three options:

    1. Use the script "Update Forms via Layout Name DBTYPE.sql". This will keep Smart ID Self-Service forms as is, and switch Identity Manager Operator forms from vertical to horizontal, and from horizontal to vertical.

    2. Use the script "Update Forms via opposite of Layout Name DBTYPE.sql". This will keep Identity Manager Operator forms as is, and switch Smart ID Self-Service forms from vertical to horizontal, and from horizontal to vertical.

    3. Use the script "Update Forms via csv file DBTYPE.sql" to decide for each form which layout should be used.

      1. In the .csv file, for each form name define a layout ("horizontal" or "vertical").

      2. In the script-file set the path to the .csv file as follows:
        Change `v_path = '[FORMS_FILE_PATH]';` to the correct file path.

        Change `set @FilePath = '[FORMS_FILE_PATH]';` to the correct file path.

        Define the `TEMPSCRIPTS` row or change it with an existing one in the Oracle directory settings. After Oracle 9i you must define the directory in the system. See an example below:

        • Create or replace the directory TEMPSCRIPTS as '[FILE_DIR]';

        • Grant read, write on directory TEMPSCRIPTS to [USER];

        • After the script process finishes, delete DIR via drop directory TEMPSCRIPTS;

      3. Run the script-file.

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