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Upgrade Smart ID

Smart ID Certificate Manager and OCSP Responder are not included in this instruction. 

This article describes how to upgrade Smart ID to a new version.

You can always update directly to the latest version, no intermediate steps are necessary if you are coming from an older version. But you always have to go through all manual update steps (if there are some) between the current version and the target version. See section "Additional steps for a specific version".


Upgrade from Smart ID on Docker

Prepare upgrade

Before upgrade, do these steps:

  • Check release notes for additional upgrade steps.

  • Take backup of Smart ID databases that are used: Identity Manager, Physical Access, Digital Access, Hermod.

  • Take backup of Smart ID configuration files:

    cd /home/nexus/smartid/ cp -rf smartid smartid.backup

Stop applications

To stop applications: 

  1. Go to each application folder, for example: 
    cd /home/nexus/smartid/docker/compose/identitymanager

  2. Stop the services by running this command: 
    docker-compose stop

Update Smart ID version in environment file

To update the Smart ID version in the environment file:

  1. Read release notes to see if there anything changed in the configurations files that will break 

  2. Open the environment file /home/nexus/smartid/docker/compose/smartid.env for editing. 

  3. Change to the new Smart ID version: 

    ### Smart ID Version


Update database

To update the database:

  1. Change directory:

    cd <SMARTIDHOME>/compose/identitymanager/updatedb

  2. Start the container:

    docker-compose up

  3. Wait until the container has run until completion.

Start applications

To start applications:

  1. Go to each application folder, for example: 

    cd /home/nexus/smartid/docker/compose/identitymanager

  2. Start the services by running this command:
    docker-compose up -d

Additional steps for a specific version

Delete previously deployed images

After a complete upgrade process, you can delete images that were previously deployed to free space.

  1. List all images:

    docker images


  2. Remove old images, add the image id for the image that shall be removed:

    docker image rm ID_IMAGE

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