Use Mailhog for E-mail testing
Mailhog is a tool that can be used when testing sending emails with the Smart ID component Identity Manager.
Useful commands
<SMARTIDHOME>/tools/mailhog/docker-compose up -d
<SMARTIDHOME>/tools/mailhog/docker-compose stop
<SMARTIDHOME>/tools/mailhog/docker-compose logs -f
Change mailhog ports
Edit <SMARTIDHOME>/tools/mailhog/docker-compose.yml and change the ports to the left of the colons. You must restart the container to apply the changes.
Change portsports: - 1025:1025 # smtp server - 8025:8025 # web ui
Configure your Smart ID component with the following settings if mailhog is deployed to the same host as the component. If mailhog is deployed to another host, replace the SMTP host with the hostname/ip address, and make sure that the Smart ID host can access mailhog on port 1025.
SMTP Host: mailhog SMTP Port: 1025 Sender:
Access the web interface to see emails. Browse to the host where mailhog is deployed on port 8025.
Access emailshttp://SMARTID-HOST>:8025
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