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User import in Digital Access

This article describes user import in Smart ID Digital Access component. This is an alternative to the Add user account in Digital Access wizard.

User import is used to create user accounts by importing a file containing user information. The import file must be formatted according to specific rules, see the Digital Access online help for more information. When a user account is created through user import, the global user account settings are used by default if not otherwise specified in the import file. 

Import user information from a file

The import file is created according to certain format rules. For help click the ?-sign in Digital Access Admin in Manage Accounts and Storage > User Import.

Do the following to import users:

  1. Log in to Digital Access Admin with an administrator account.

  2. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Accounts and Storage.

  3. Click User Import.

  4. Select the separator and browse to the import file.

  5. Click Import Users.

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