ActiveEntitiesTool command-line tool in Certificate Manager

ActiveEntitiesTool command-line tool in Certificate Manager

This article is valid for Certificate Manager 8.4 or later.

ActiveEntitiesTool is a command based tool in Smart ID Certificate Manager, used to count the number of current active certificates, which were issued by CAs that belong to the provided domain and its subdomains in the provided time period.

ActiveEntitiesTool also counts the number of distinct subject entries connected to them. The tool counts the distinct SubjEntryNr in Certificates table which results in having an offset in corner cases, for example, a device could have two certs with two different SubjCommonName, hence two SubjEntryNr.

The program is located in the <install_root>/tools directory relative to where CM is installed.


Shows the help text.


The domain to search in.


Limits the search starting from this date. The date should be in ISO-8601 format, for example, 2011-12-03T10:15:30, in system time zone.


Counts only active entities issued today.

Example 1 - counts the number of distinct subjects and active certificates which were issued by CAs under 'System Domain' from date 2020-01-01T00:00:00 until now. 

Example 1
java -jar cm-tools.jar ActiveEntitiesTool -domain "System Domain" -from "2020-01-01T00:00:00"

Example 2 - counts the number of distinct subjects and active certificates which were issued by CAs under 'System Domain' today.

Example 2
java -jar cm-tools.jar ActiveEntitiesTool -domain "System Domain" -today

Example 3 - counts the number of ALL distinct subjects and active certificates which were issued by CAs under 'System Domain'.

Example 3
java -jar cm-tools.jar ActiveEntitiesTool -domain "System Domain"

Use the following environment variable to configure ActiveEntitiesTool:

Environment variable


Environment variable



(optional) Specifies a directory where the CM configuration is installed, usually referred to as <configuration_root>. Specifying this environment variable allows the program to use database connection details from cm.conf if placed in a nonstandard location.

If this environment variable is not specified, and the program is placed in the default directory of <install_root>/tools, the program will automatically find the CM configuration and the database connection details.

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