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Release note Smart ID 23.04.3

Version: 23.04.3

Release date: 2023-06-27

The Smart ID 23.04.3 release provides updates, improvements, and bug fixes to ensure high quality and security. Smart ID contains the following components:

Included in Smart ID 23.04.3

Smart ID Identity Manager

Updates for the Smart ID Identity Manager component are included in this release. 

Digital Access 

Updates for the Digital Access component are included in this release. 

Physical Access 

This release does not contain any specific updates for the Physical Access component.

Smart ID Messaging 

This release does not contain any specific updates for the Smart ID Messaging component.

Upgrade Smart ID

See Upgrade Smart ID with general information regarding upgrading Smart ID. 

See also:

Smart ID compatibility

Smart ID configuration

For details on the updated Smart ID configurations, see: 


For details on the updated Smart ID deployment configurations, see: 

Contact and support

For information regarding support, training, and other services in your area, visit Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Smart ID components to customers and partners.

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