Enable Process Tracker in Smart ID Identity Manager
This article includes updates for Identity Manager 5.0.1.
This article describes how to enable the Process Tracker in Smart ID Identity Manager.
During the configuration phase it could be very helpful to obtain detailed logging information about the process execution. The ProcessTracker
writes all variables of the process map before and after each task to the log file.
Settings for the system properties
For docker: SYSTEM_PROPERTIES section (inside docker-compose.yml)
For WAR file deployment: system.properties file
Whenever referring to the SYSTEM_PROPERTIES section (inside docker-compose.yml) for a docker environment, the same applies for system.properties for a non-docker environment.
Enable ProcessTracker
To enable Process Tracker for docker, do the following:
Open docker-compose.yml of Identity Manager Operator.
Add the following parameter to "SYSTEM_PROPERTIES" (or change the value from
if the parameter is already there):"defaultProcessTrackerConfig.enabled" : true
For WAR file deployment, do the following to enable Process Tracker:
Open system.properties.
Add this property and set it to true (or uncomment this line if it is already there):
Enable logging
If you want to customize the logging of the ProcessTracker, here are the loggers in the file log4j2.xml, that control to which appenders the loggings of the ProcessTracker are routed:
<Logger name="de.nexus.flowable.processtracker.Default" level="debug" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="ACT_RF"/>
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>
<AppenderRef ref="TRACKER_DEFAULT"/>
<Logger name="de.nexus.flowable.processtracker.Custom" level="debug" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="ACT_RF"/>
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>
<AppenderRef ref="TRACKER_CUSTOM"/>
<Logger name="de.nexus.flowable.processtracker.MachineReadable" level="debug" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="ACT_RF"/>
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>
<AppenderRef ref="TRACKER_MACHINE"/>
Process Tracker log file description
Only applicable for Identity Manager 5.0.1 and later versions.
The idm_pt_default.log has the following structure:
Date and time
Thread name
V5 (compatibility mode for Activiti 5) or V6 (standard flowable engine)
Tenant ID
Process instance IDs
Execution IDs
Process definition ID
Task name or the name of the flow element, for example, Event or Gateway
Start/End tag
Variables and their values in alphabetical order with one list for global variable and one list for local variables
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