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Transfer configuration to Smart ID Identity Manager

This article describes how to transfer a configuration created in Identity Manager Admin to Identity Manager Operator. 

  • If you run separate database instances for Identity Manager Admin and Identity Manager Operator you must follow these instructions. The configuration only takes effect in the runtime environment when it has been transferred to Identity Manager Operator. Read more in Sign configuration file in Identity Manager.

  • If you run both Identity Manager Admin and Identity Manager Operator on the same database instance, changes in the configuration take effect immediately in the runtime environment, and there is no need to transfer the configuration. In that case you can ignore these instructions.

Step-by-step instructions

Log in to Identity Manager Admin as administrator

  • Log in to Identity Manager Admin as an administrator.

Download configuration from Identity Manager Admin

  1. Go to Configuration file > Download configuration.
    The details of the configuration are displayed.

    By default, everything is downloaded into a single zip file, but you can exclude connection configurations or user data by unchecking the related check boxes. Runtime data, like persons, cards or certificates are not included in the export.

  2. Set additional export options:

    1. Uncheck Export objects with connection data to exclude data such as connection parameters, urls or passwords. By default these objects are:

      1. CA

      2. PACS

      3. AuthProfiles (LDAP)

      4. DataPools (LDAP, SCIM, CM, JDBC) 

      5. TransferConfig (LDAP, JDBC, SCIM)

    2. Uncheck Export internal user objects to exclude user data.

  3. Click Download.

  4. Depending on your browser, you can now select a location and file name for the configuration file, or it will be saved in Downloads on your computer. Click Save.

If Identity Manager Admin and Identity Manager Operator are accessible from different client computers you have to find a secure way of transferring the configuration file.

You must ensure the integrity of the configuration while it is being transferred to another client computer, as it contains settings relating to operation and security. It is always recommended that you store a backup copy in a secure directory or storage medium. The current version of the product does not contain a history or log of configuration objects.

Log in to Identity Manager Operator as administrator

  • Log in to Identity Manager Operator as an administrator.

Start Maintenance Mode

  1. Go to Administration > Maintenance Mode.

  2. Enter the text that will be displayed to all users, which are not administrators, when they try to login during Maintenance Mode.

  3. Click Start Maintenance. Now all user sessions are terminated, also your own one.

  4. Log in again as an administrator.

Upload configuration to Identity Manager operator UI

  1. Go to Administration > Upload configuration.

  2. Click Select file, browse for the configuration .zip file, and click Open.
    The details of the configuration are displayed.

  3. Click Upload.

The configuration changes take effect in the runtime system immediately, that is, without a restart.

Stop Maintenance Mode

  1. Go to Administration > Maintenance Mode.

  2. Click Stop Maintenance.

  3. Log out.

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