Create PIN/PUK letter in Certificate Manager

Create PIN/PUK letter in Certificate Manager

This article describes how to create a PIN/PUK letter. This task is done in the Secure Printer (SP) in Certificate Manager.

This task requires that

  • The Secure Printer (SP) is running.

  • The officer has the following role:

    • Manage PIN letters

  • There exists PIN letter templates (default templates are included in the CM delivery)

You can create any quantity of PIN/PUK letters, but since the processing time is heavily dependent on the capacity of the computer running the SP, it is recommended that a maximum of 10000 letters are created in a single creation request.

  1. In the SP user interface in Certificate Manager, select Create Letters from the Actions menu.

  2. In the Quantity field, enter the number of PIN/PUK letters you want to create.

  3. In the PIN letter ID field, enter an alphanumeric value to be used as the prefix for all the PIN letter IDs. The PIN letter IDs will be calculated from this start value by adding +1 for each additional letter until the quantity is reached.
    Two or more letters may have the same PIN letter ID if each letter contains a part of a split PIN. The PIN procedure determines the layout of the PIN/PUK letter and whether the PIN and PUK should be printed in a single letter or split into parts printed in separate letters.

  4. Select a PIN procedure in the drop-down list.

  5. Click Create.

  6. In the Signature dialog box, enter your PIN code.

  7. Click OK.

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