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Link Digital Access users to a directory service like Active Directory

This article describes how to reuse existing information as username, password, email, mobile number and group membership from Active Directory (AD) in Smart ID Digital Access component.


Step-by-step instruction

 Log in to Digital Access Admin
  1. Log in to Digital Access Admin with an administrator account.
 Connect to the Active Directory
  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Accounts and Storage.
  2. Click User Storage > Add User Storage Location...
  3. Select type of directory service. In this case, Microsoft Active Directory, and click Next.
  4. Enter a Display Name for the user storage.

  5. Enter the other general settings, and use SSL if possible. For help click the ?-sign and then click Next.

  6. Click Add User Search Rule... and specify where users are located in the directory service.

  7. Click Show Tree...

  8. If several root DNs are available, select which root DN to browse. Click the + sign next to the root DN to display available location DNs. The location DN you select in the tree is displayed in Selection Location DN. Edit the DN if applicable. Click OK to use Selected Location DN.

  9. Click Add User Group Search Rule... and specify where user groups are stored on the directory service.
  10. To verify the functionality, click Test Connection to User Storage.
  11. Click Finish.

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