SP user interface in Certificate Manager
For more information, see PIN/PUK letter tasks in Certificate Manager.
There are two modes of operation in the Secure Printer: search letters and create letters.
Search letters mode:
Create letters mode:
Definition of statuses
You can activate a PIN/PUK letter by clicking it. Detailed information about the letter will then be shown in the Information pane. This table describes the statuses that a PIN/PUK letter can have.
Icon | Description |
| A new letter that has been created but not sent to the printer. |
| A letter that has been sent to the printer keeps the sent status in the database until a confirmation is received. If the client is disconnected before confirmation this status will appear when reconnecting. |
| A letter that has been printed successfully and afterwards confirmed by an officer. |
| A letter that has been sent to the printer but the printing has failed for some reason and, therefore, the letter has been marked by an officer as not printed. |
Additional information
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