Release note Smart ID 21.10
Version: 21.10
Release Date: 2021-11-09
The Smart ID 21.10 release provides updates in Identity Manager, Self-Service, Digital Access and Physical Access. Messaging provides minor improvements and bugfixes only. All components also provide several bugfixes and library updates to ensure high quality and security.
Upgrade Smart ID
See Upgrade Smart ID with information regarding upgrade from 21.04.3 to 21.10.
Main new features
Smart ID 21.10 provides major updates in with new features in Identity Manager, Digital Access and Physical Access.
The Identity Manager component has extended again SAML authentication capabilities: it is now possible to fetch group information from the SAML ticket in order to map this on IDM roles for user authorization. This means both - authentication and authorization can now be managed directly via the IDP.
Digital Access introduces SAML Single-Logout as a new feature.
In Physical Access Smart ID provides a new PACS connector to DormaKaba Exos.
Smart ID compatibility
Detailed feature list
Jira ticket no | Description | Digital Access | Identity Manager & Self-Service | Physical Access | Messaging |
CRED-6610 | Updated crypto libraries Updated crypto libraries in ADCS PKI connector for security reasons. | X | |||
CRED-9336 | Added support for Subject DN Attribute "pseudonym" Added support for Subject DN Attribute "pseudonym" in the certificate templates in Identity Manager. | X | |||
CRED-10316 | Improved usability of open tasks in Identity Manager Operator The maximum number of shown open tasks in Identity Manager Operator is now limited to avoid long loading time for the system. It is also possible to filter on a date range. | X | |||
CRED-10641 | Removed 40 character limitation in BPMN designer The Eclipse plugin to design BPMN workflows ("Activiti Designer") had a 40 character limitation on the process names. This limitation is now removed. | X | |||
CRED-10654 | Improved UX of certificate login in Self-Service The user experience of the certificate login in Self-Service has been improved. This is the new flow: Click Sign In with Client Certificate, select certificate, enter PIN and get logged in to Self-Service. Read more here: Configure login screen for Smart ID Self-Service. | X | |||
CRED-10760 | Added permissions for viewing object history in Identity Manager Operator The object history permissions control if a user can see the full history, certain types of history entries only (such as data change, status change, process execution), or not see the history entries at all. Read more here: Identity Manager Operator and Set permissions from Identity Manager users or roles. | X | |||
CRED-10864 | Email as unique ID for DFN The DFN PKI connector is now supporting the EMAIL_ID_DFN field. The value will not be added to the certificate, but can be used as unique ID and user identifier in requests and lifecycle management. | X | |||
CRED-10873 | Post-login process configuration in Identity Manager Admin The post-login processes (BPMN-processes executed intermediately after login to Identity Manager), can now be configured in the Identity Manager Admin UI as part of the authentication profiles. Read more here: Standard service tasks in Identity Manager, "Login: Finalize post-login process". | X | |||
CRED-10970 | Support for Certificate Manager 8.4.1 Identity Manager has updated the integration with Certificate Manager by supporting Certificate Manager 8.4.1, which is the latest version. | X | |||
CRED-10973 | Improved SCEP service task The standard service task for SCEP registration in Identity Manager has been improved. New drop-down lists have been introduced to simplify the configuration. See Standard service tasks in Identity Manager, Cert: Create SCEP order request. | X | |||
CRED-11376 | Added support for deleting single certificates from a smart card For smart card encoding, for example when doing renewal, there is added support for selecting one or more dedicated certificates via certificate serial number and delete them. | X | |||
CRED-11540 | Changed sorting of open tasks in Self-Service The sort order of open tasks in Self-Service has changed and now starts with the newest open task as the topmost entry. | X | |||
DA-72 | SAML Single logout front channel SAML Single Logout (SLO) is a SAML flow that allows the end-user to logout from a single session and be automatically logged out of all related sessions that were established during SSO. Added the feature for enabling both IDP initiated, and SP initiated single logout. Refer to SAML Single Logout in Digital Access for more details about the feature. | X | |||
DA-471 | Added ability to add OIDC Issuer per client instance Added the Open ID Connect (OIDC) Issuer field for every client instance. If the OIDC Issuer value is not set in the client then it will use the global configuration setting value. | X | |||
DA-566 | Added ability to send OTP on multiple channels It is now possible to send One Time Passwords (OTP) to multiple channels through XPI. | X | |||
IDC-1589 | Added Kaba integration with Physical Access It is now possible to configure the Kaba exos 9300 Service, to enable integration between Smart ID Identity Manager, Physical Access and the Kaba exos 9300 Service. Read more here: Set up integration with Dorma Kaba Exos. | X |
Corrected bugs
Jira ticket no | Description | Digital Access | Identity Manager & Self-Service | Physical Access | Messaging |
CRED-7690 | There was an issue when revoking certificates directly in the smart card encoding process (setting certificates on hold), where the revocation state was not returned correctly to Identity Manager after encoding. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-7956 | The logging for the "change state in CA" task fails was not clear. This has been fixed by adding a more clear message into the logfile. | X | |||
CRED-9309 | There was an issue with translations of "meta fields" (for example, object status, Template name etc.) in Self-Service. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-9885 | Unnecessary warning messages regarding "Certificate-based logout" are now removed from the Identity Manager Operator logs. | X | |||
CRED-10258 | Configuration of a custom attribute statement (instead of name ID) for SAML authentication in Identity Manager was not working. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-10335 | The "forgot password" link, and the "pre-login" process in general, disappeared in Self-Service when doing a page refresh. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-10408 | When using a filter on the fields Certificate.renewalApplied or Certificate.KeyArchival in a search configuration, an error message appeared. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-10476 | Improved error handling in Identity Manager when the connection to the database is down by adding a user-friendly message and allowing the user to close the application. | X | |||
CRED-10496 | Fixed coloring by showing warning messages in orange again in Self-Service. | X | |||
CRED-10674 | There was an issue when revoking certificates via the certificate state graphs of the standard packages. Consolidation of supported revocation reasons and certificate states of the standard workflow package has been done for all PKI connectors in order to resolve these issues. | X | |||
CRED-10758 | When deleting states from a state graph, the deleted states where still displayed in the extended search dropdown menu, because the states where still present in the core template configuration. Consistency checks have been added to avoid such situations. | X | |||
CRED-10811 | Self-Service was throwing an error after login, when no searches with purpose "self-service" (to show in the menu bar) where configured. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-10828 | When configuring a certificate template in more than one application for smart card encoding, the encoding did fail. This has been changed now, and the same certificate template can be used for multiple applications in the encoding description. | X | |||
CRED-10839 | When capturing photos in Self-Service on smartphones via the photo upload functionality, the photos had the wrong orientation (90° rotated). This has been fixed now. | X | |||
CRED-10941 | Field validation error messages in Self-Service (e.g. missing mandatory field input) where not shown correctly for "meta fields" (status, template name, change state reason etc). This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-11036 | When disabling a BatchSync job in Identity Manager Operator, it got executed anyway (disable flag was ignored). This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-11059 | Fixed a multi-language issue when using SAML/ LDAP authentication profiles. Other languages than English where not translated correctly i that case. | X | |||
CRED-11160 | Export search results to CSV in Extended Search was broken when running Identity Manager on MS SQL Server. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-11256 | Fixed file upload in Self-Service for upper-case file extensions. | X | |||
CRED-11294 | The LDAP connection context was not closed explicitly, and this could potentially lead to a memory leak. This has been fixed now, and LDAP context get closed properly. | X | |||
CRED-11418 | When using Status fields in quick search of Identity Manager Operator, the status field was not translated. This is fixed now. | X | |||
CRED-11463 | Fixed an issue in the standard service task "Process: Search the newest Encryption Certificate". When multiple certificate templates are involved, the result could have been inconsistent. | X | |||
CRED-11503 | "List Processes" in Identity Manager Operator was running into an error in some cases. This is fixed now, and listing processes is working stable again. | X | |||
CRED-11507 | When uploading a PDF file of binary type document/PDF in Self-Service, the pre-selected extensions in the upload window was wrong (*.jpeg instead of *.pdf). Also upload did not work after changing the pre-selection. This is fixed now. | X | |||
CRED-11518 | Improved user guidance and error handling when configuring an LDAP URL in configuration. | X | |||
CRED-11545 | Removed some exceptions that appeared in the UI Framework log of Identity Manager Operator. This change does not only keep the logs clean but also improves performance. | X | |||
CRED-11598 | Exporting photos in base64 format via IN Groupe card production connector did not work. This has been fixed, and photos are now transmitted correctly now for card production. | X | |||
CRED-11599 | Fixed encoding of IN Groupe card production export. The export data is now UTF-8 encoded. | X | |||
CRED-11600 | When exporting card orders to IN Groupe card production, optional fields were not handled correctly when they were empty. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-11654 | Order Reference field in IN Groupe Card production export did not resolve variable fields on all cases. This is fixed now. | X | |||
CRED-11659 | When importing results from IN Groupe card production, the result XML file was sometimes moved to the "valid" folder even though the import had errors. This has been fixed. | X | |||
CRED-11736 | Fixed count of number of requests (ReqNb field) in the IN Groupe card order export. | X | |||
DEVOPS-1205 | Improved error handling when creating non-personal visitor cards: the "number of requests" field is now marked as mandatory, and error messages have been corrected. | X | |||
DEVOPS-1236 | When withdrawing an employee card with the standard Digital ID package, the status if the original card did not change. This has been fixed. | X | |||
DA-261 | Fixed the incorrect namespace in case of configuring additional WSFed attributes. | X | |||
DA-514 | Fixed the issue when a syslog message is sent from Digital Access to the syslog server, it was not UTC timestamped earlier which led to missing logs information. | X | |||
DA-637 | Fixed the issue that was caused when deleting a service provider having an access rule. | X | |||
DA-656 | Updated the migrate script to ask user whether to remove the previous images and stop the running instance of Digital Access. Care needs to be taken if the current instance is not stopped. The new instance should not connect to the same DB instance otherwise it might cause conflicts and corrupt data. Updated the upgrade script to not delete the previous images. It will be the user's responsibility to delete the previous images of older versions of Digital Access from the system and to keep the space free. | X |
Release announcement
From this release, only Docker deployment is supported for the Smart ID components Identity Manager, Physical Access, Digital Access and Messaging. For full instructions, see Deploy Smart ID.
From Smart ID 20.11 and on, components now only have the Smart ID version number and not the different component version numbers. For information on previous releases, see Nexus Documentation Archive.
For details on the updated Smart ID configurations and deployment configurations, see here:
Contact Information
For information regarding support, training and other services in your area, please visit our website at
Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Smart ID components to customers and partners. For more information, please refer to the Nexus Technical Support at, or contact your local sales representative.
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