Capture images

Capture images

This article includes updates for Nexus Card SDK 6.3.

This article describes how to capture images that shall be used in Configuration Manager in Nexus Card SDK.

Once the system administrator has configured the capture sources, you can start capturing. Make sure all devices are connected and switched on.


Card SDK has an option to enable transparent png support on images. This option is only supported in a specific use case: The picture needs to be imported and must support alpha-channel.

Transparent printing is not supported when using the capture function of Card Designer. Editing the imported picture within the Card Designer will also disable the Transparent printing.

Even cropping the image will remove the transparent feature of the image. If alpha blending has been activated for an image object then the "Horizontal/Vertical Rounded Corners" settings in the image object properties will be ignored

Optimal shooting conditions

  • When using an ID-CAM S, S-Video, or composite camera, place the camera at about 2 or 3 meters from the person to be photographed, approximately at head height.

  • When using a webcam, place it at about half a meter from the person.

Problematic shooting conditions


The person will appear too dark against a bright background.

Ceiling lighting

Very bright ceiling lighting will create dark areas around the chin, the neck, and the eyes.

Side lighting

One side of the face will be too bright, the other one too dark.


Avoid bright and direct rays of sunshine at the shooting place.

General procedure for capturing images

  1. Select the record for which you wish to capture an image.

  2. Use the appropriate button in your ID Card System to open the Image Capture dialog box.

  3. When the Image Capture dialog box opens, the capture source that was last used to capture an image is automatically enabled. You can continue to use it or select another one.


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