- In Card SDK Configuration Manager, open the Contact Chip Encoding property. The Chip: Device Setup dialog box opens.
- Click New... to add and configure a new device. The Chip: Select Device dialog box opens.
- Select the appropriate encoder or reader, in case of an integrated encoder, select the printer. Click OK.
- Select the JPKIEncoder and click OK.
In the Encoding Device Setup dialog box, select the corresponding PC/SC Reader device.

For integrated chip encoding in a card printer, and depending on the printer model in use, it may be necessary/possible to choose the correct position of the integrated encoder.
- Select the newly created device in the Encoding Device Setup dialog box. As the chosen printer supports the Printer Encoding Position selection, the device-dependent button gets visible.

- Click the device-dependent button in the dialog to select the Printer Encoding Position for this device (RFID Chip or Contact Chip Position).