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Design card layout

This article describes how to handle card layouts in the CardDesigner tool in Nexus Card SDK.

Card layouts are handled in the Card Layout view in CardDesigner. You can use the card layouts that come with the system, or you can create your own individual layouts. Various layout objects, such as images, logos, texts, signatures, etc., are inserted into the card layout and tailored to your needs.

  1. Start the CardDesigner tool from the Start menu in Windows.

  1. In the Card Layout view in CardDesigner, card layouts are created, edited, and managed. A variety of functions are available which can be accessed via the menu bar or the toolbars. When several layouts are open, you can switch between them using the menu bar (Window menu).

  2. To turn on and off the toolbars, use the View > Toolbars menu command.

These are the available toolbars:

  • default toolbar

  • objects toolbar

  • text format toolbar

  • aligne/arrange toolbar

  • list of objects toolbar

  1. Click the New Card Layout button on the toolbar, or use the File > New Card Layout menu command in Card Table view to open a new blank card layout.

This could be a layout for the front or back of a card.

  1. Click the Open Card Layout button on the Toolbar, or use the File > Open Card Layout... menu command in Card Table view to open an existing card layout. The Open dialog box is opened.

  2. Select a card layout and click Open to confirm your selection. The card layout is displayed in Card Layout view.

  3. You can now edit the layout.

  1. Click the Save Card Layout button on the Toolbar, or use the File > Save Card Layout... menu command in Card Table view to save a card layout.

  2. If you have not yet given the file a name, you will be asked for a name in the Save As dialog box. Enter a path and a file name. The file extension of a card layout will always be .lay.

You can also directly open the Save As dialog box via the File > Save Card Layout As... menu command.

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